I'm so very excited that my agent, Jennifer Nelson Artists, will be at Blueprint in NYC December 2-4 (Get more details here). This is the second time the surface design and print show has taken place, and it has doubled in size! Below you can see some examples of art I will have there.
I'm on Thanksgiving "break" just in the way that I do not teach this week. Hard to believe that I only have ONE MORE class with my Illustration 2 undergraduates! I have the whole Spring semester off from teaching, which will be an an interesting experiment since I haven't lived in my new town yet with absolutely no reason to drive into Nashville every week. I'm curious to see how this will effect not only my art-making schedule, but just to see how many times I actually venture out of my neck of the woods. My guess is that there will be the occasional family and friend visit which will lure me out, but I'm excited to have a huge block of time to make art for Surtex without interruptions.