Wow! So much has happened after Surtex that I have seriously backed up on blogging, but I'm looking forward to catching up and showing you some recent projects (as well as telling you about some new ones).
One of the most recent pieces of news is that my design "Bunnies In Space" was picked to be a semi-finalist in the Cosmic Voyage themed contest put on by Spoonflower and Robert Kaufman Fabrics. RKF had to narrow it down to 100 from hundreds of submissions, and now the public (this means YOU) gets to vote on the top 8. After that, the remaining artists will develop 3 additional patterns for their original design in the next round. Finally, those collections get turned around to the public AGAIN and the winner will have their collection printed by RKF. So cool!
You can vote here for as many artists that you like. Yup! Not just me, not just your favorite three…vote for any design you think is worthy. You don't even have to make an account or anything like that- just click and submit! But hurry- voting closes in a few days.
If you think mine is good enough for your vote, thank you! I sincerely appreciate your support.